Weekly Links 2010-41

Ok this week I didn’t have much time for reading the net, however here are some interesting links

5 things you didn’t know about … Apache Maven

La libertà non ha prezzo: come liberarsi di GMail (Italian)

Announcing Amino, a new UI toolkit for Desktop Java

Oracle and IBM Collaborate to Accelerate Java Innovation Through OpenJDK

Oracle’s strategy is now clear

IBM and Oracle to Collaborate on OpenJDK

Peace breaks out?!?

Maven Dependecy JAR Configuration

Use JavaFX to quickly create applications

How free is the OpenJDK?

Mockito – Pros, Cons, and Best Practices

Weekly links 2010-29

The Passage of Time by ToniVCCommons Configuration

Commons Configuration provides a generic configuration interface which enables a Java application to read configuration data from a variety of sources.

Lambdas in Java Preview – Part 1: The Basics | Javalobby

…closures (or better lambda expressions) will (probably) be added to JDK7..

Lambdas in Java Preview – Part 2: Functional Java | Javalobby

…giving some practical examples of lambdas, how functional programming in Java could look like and how lambdas could affect some of the well known libraries in Java land…

Lambdas in Java Preview – Part 3: Collections API

In this part I’ll focus on how the addition of lambdas could affect one of the most used standard APIs – the Collections API.

First Symbian^4 Screenshots Surface

for those interested in, there are some previews of the 4th version of Symbian OS

Life is Too Short to Parse Command Line Parameters

Recently, DZone MVB Cedric Beust unveiled JCommander, a tool he developed that takes away the manual labor of command line parsing.  Just six days after posting his announcement for JCommander 1.0, he’s already got an expanded 1.1 version out.  New features include simple internationalization, type converters, and password parameters.

OutOfMemoryError in Eclipse with JDK 1.6.0_21, on Windows

This past weekend I spent a good amount of time trying to solve an OutOfMemoryError that made Eclipse crash every 5 minutes.

Sun Java 6 on Ubuntu 10.04 10.10 and later

Apparently the Ubuntu folks have started putting some weight behind their recommendations for switching to the “OpenJDK.” Fortunately, the official, “proprietary” Java is still available through another Ubuntu repository.

Effective JSON with Google Web Toolkit

Hopefully every developer knows JSON protocol or has at least heard about it. In Google Web Toolkit technology, JSON is a very common protocol