CQ5 backup your sources from CRX

El grito de la gaviota - Seagull scream

by Dani_vr via flickr

updated on Feb 15th, 2011

Yes, it happens. CRX has lost my sources from one day to another. As usual you realize that you need a backup when it’s too late. So the question became: how can I backup my sources outside the crx? Packages!

First you have to create a package of what you want to backup via the package manager provided with CRX. I wont go in details of this operation. Then you can call every package operation from a command line like bash and curl application. Fortunately Mac OS X and Linux come with cURL out of the box so nothing special is needed.

Just download the pdf containing the bash code, fix the variable according to your needs and schedule it or execute by hand.

The script is missing at all the error checking and some other things but works well for the moment; maybe in the future I’ll start a new SF project with the script source.

For more information here is a couple of links (same page)