CQ5 Maven Archetype

Add the Adobe profile in your ~/.m2/settings.xml

        <releaseRepository-Name>Adobe Public Releases</releaseRepository-Name>
          <name>Adobe Basel Public Repository</name>
          <name>Adobe Basel Public Repository</name>

Creating a multi-module project:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.day.jcr.vault \
 -DarchetypeArtifactId=multimodule-content-package-archetype \
 -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0 \
 -DarchetypeRepository=adobe-public-releases \
 -P adobe-public

Check about any update to the archetypeVersion.

For not specifying the profile at every mvn command add to the ${project}/pom.xml (the parent one). This is no longer needed with archetype 1.0.2+

         <name>Adobe External Central Repository</name>
          <name>Adobe Basel Public Repository</name>

In ${project}/pom.xml check the content-package-maven-plugin pluging version. For example the content-package plugin in the archetype is 0.0.13 but as at 10th September 2012 the latest one is 0.0.19

To install everything execute from the root project

sampleapp$ mvn install -P autoInstallPackage

To install only the bundle

sampleapp/bundle$ mvn sling:install

To install only the content package

sampleapp/content$ mvn install -P autoInstallPackage

Adding some exclude filtering to the contet package to avoid any spurius includes.

In sampleapp/content/pom.xml replace the exclude section with the


Optional step

Personally I don’t like a package name like “sampleapp-content-x.y.z”
as I’m actually deploying a codebase and not content. So I find it a
bit misleading. In order to have the package named as
“sampleapp-codebase-x.y.z” in the sampleapp/content/pom.xml in the
build->plugin->configuration for the content-package-maven-pluing add
the name and finalName definition as following


Maven import

if you’re using CQ 5.5+ you can avoid checking and importing each dependency version by using the com.day.cq:cq-quickstart-product-dependencies dependency in parent pom.

JSP Support in Eclipse

Don’t forget to add the JSP support for eclipse by following: How to work with JSP.

In eclipse then by converting the project to a faceted, dynamic web project and with the proper context root path you’ll have the proper JSP support. Don’t forget to delete the rubbish that eclipse puts in when converting to a dynamic web project.

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