weekly links 2010-42 & 43

Adding Google Maps to your Java Application

RE: Moving from Spring to Java EE 6: The Age of Frameworks is Over

Java deprecation on MacOSX

How To Choose A Java EE Application Server? (Mail Of The Week)

Steve Jobs Comments on Apple’s Java Discontinuation

JDK / Java 7 on Mac OS X Lion – An Interesting Business Opportunity

Generate, rename and delete getters/setters instantly in Eclipse

Already known but nice to have it detailed 🙂

What Ubuntu should mainly do for 11.04

Mozilla Confirms Firefox Zero-Day and Recommends NoScript

Ubuntu changes its desktop from GNOME to Unity

Java Mac Trojan

the interest of crackers in Apple products is raising.

Mozilla patches Firefox zero-day bug in 48 hours

Introducing JSOP

Yes, a bit old post (Aug 2010) but still interesting

Ajax user authentication and registration techniques with jQuery

Learn how to use Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (Ajax) with jQuery to authenticate and sign-in a user without refreshing the browser. Then, take it a step farther by suggesting user names to a new user who’s attempting to register with an existing user name.