Weekly links 2011-07

Hello JavaFX 2! – Back To Java

Making of JBoss Enterprise Web Server

Applying agile practices in an environment of mistrust

ETL lessons learnt

Generate Test Data with DataFactory

The Roadmap for Day Software and LiveCycle ES – a Focus on UX

Springfuse generates Primefaces with Spring Web Flow front end

Spring MVC Development – Quick Tutorial

Open Letter from CEO Stephen Elop, Nokia and CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft

No more nokia phones for me.

OpenJDK Community Bylaws — DRAFT 7

[CakePHP] alias in the url

The task was to have “aliases” for url. For example let’s think about a ProjectsController; each project is characterized by a unique id, a unique name and some other attributes. With the cake way you can refer to the projects with /projects/add, /projects/edit/$id, /projects/delete/$id and /projects/view/$id.

I would like to have an alias for the view: call each project even with a url like /projects/$name (friendlier url).

I achieved the task extending the ErrorHandler::missingAction(). Here is the code I used (pdf).

I don’t know if this is the proper way to do this but it’s working.