CQ5 Maven Archetype

Add the Adobe profile in your ~/.m2/settings.xml

        <releaseRepository-Name>Adobe Public Releases</releaseRepository-Name>
          <name>Adobe Basel Public Repository</name>
          <name>Adobe Basel Public Repository</name>

Creating a multi-module project:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.day.jcr.vault \
 -DarchetypeArtifactId=multimodule-content-package-archetype \
 -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0 \
 -DarchetypeRepository=adobe-public-releases \
 -P adobe-public

Check about any update to the archetypeVersion.

For not specifying the profile at every mvn command add to the ${project}/pom.xml (the parent one). This is no longer needed with archetype 1.0.2+

         <name>Adobe External Central Repository</name>
          <name>Adobe Basel Public Repository</name>

In ${project}/pom.xml check the content-package-maven-plugin pluging version. For example the content-package plugin in the archetype is 0.0.13 but as at 10th September 2012 the latest one is 0.0.19

To install everything execute from the root project

sampleapp$ mvn install -P autoInstallPackage

To install only the bundle

sampleapp/bundle$ mvn sling:install

To install only the content package

sampleapp/content$ mvn install -P autoInstallPackage

Adding some exclude filtering to the contet package to avoid any spurius includes.

In sampleapp/content/pom.xml replace the exclude section with the


Optional step

Personally I don’t like a package name like “sampleapp-content-x.y.z”
as I’m actually deploying a codebase and not content. So I find it a
bit misleading. In order to have the package named as
“sampleapp-codebase-x.y.z” in the sampleapp/content/pom.xml in the
build->plugin->configuration for the content-package-maven-pluing add
the name and finalName definition as following


Maven import

if you’re using CQ 5.5+ you can avoid checking and importing each dependency version by using the com.day.cq:cq-quickstart-product-dependencies dependency in parent pom.

JSP Support in Eclipse

Don’t forget to add the JSP support for eclipse by following: How to work with JSP.

In eclipse then by converting the project to a faceted, dynamic web project and with the proper context root path you’ll have the proper JSP support. Don’t forget to delete the rubbish that eclipse puts in when converting to a dynamic web project.

Screen Shot 2013-10-16 at 12.35.55

Screen Shot 2013-10-16 at 12.36.14



CQ & Sling servlets: resourceType

Last time we see how to use Sling servlets with old legacy URL. Today we’ll see how to create Sling Servlets in the Sling-way: using resourceType.


We want a component that can be dragged into a parsys. With a form that submit data to a sling servlet. Then the servlet will do the operations required.


Let’s create the component following the CQ guidelines for making it drag-droppable into a parsys (allowedParents): geometrixx/components/test003. The test003.jsp will look like the following:

<%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%>
<form name="frm" method="post" action="<c:out value="${resource.path}" />.c">
    <input type="submit" />

This JSP will answer at a GET http call showing the form. In order to use, create a content page and drag the component into a parsys.

Now it’s time to create the servlet. As usual you’ll have to register it using some felix annotations. The following servlet will be used when posting (HTTP POST) to a resource of type geometrixx/components/test003 with an extension of “c”.

package com.samples.sling;

import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import org.apache.sling.api.SlingHttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.sling.api.SlingHttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.sling.api.servlets.SlingAllMethodsServlet;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * @scr.component immediate="true" metatype="false"
 * @scr.service interface="javax.servlet.Servlet"
 * @scr.property name="sling.servlet.methods" values.0="POST"
 * @scr.property name="sling.servlet.resourceTypes" values.0="geometrixx/components/test003"
 * @scr.property name="sling.servlet.extensions" values.0="c"

public class ResourceTypePostServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet {
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 8795673847499208743L;
   private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResourceTypePostServlet.class);

   protected void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
      response.getOutputStream().print("Hello ResourceTypePostServlet World!");

We used the sling.servlet.methods to specify which HTTP method the servlet listen to, the sling.servlet.resourceTypes to specify all the resource types is should listen to and the .extensions if you wish to specify an extension.

Remember that if you specify a sling.servlet.paths, resourceTypes, extensions and selectors will be ignored.

Now build the bundle and refresh the previously created content page (should not necessary actually). If you click on the “submit” button you’ll see the Hello World.


CQ & Sling servlets: old legacy URL

SlingIn this short article (first of a serie I hope) I’ll show you how to create a Sling Servlet in CQ.


You are migrating your existing application in CQ a piece at time and it’s time for the Servlets (controllers) part, so for the first stage you’d like to keep the old URLs. Maybe because some other external services are calling you at these coordinates or because you don’t want to enter each jsp and change the forms action.


  • CQ instance running in Author (localhost:4502)
  • CRXDE (let’s ease the game for starting)


Create a new OSGi bundle under geometrixx (or your app). In this create a new class that extends the SlingSafeMethodsServlet.
Then you have to register as a service in the OSGi container. This is done using the Felix annotations as following:

 * @scr.component immediate="true" metatype="false"
 * @scr.service interface="javax.servlet.Servlet"
 * @scr.property name="sling.servlet.methods" values.0="GET"
 * @scr.property name="sling.servlet.paths" values.0="/path/to/my/servlet"
 *                                          values.1="/apps/path/to/my/servlet"

I’ll leave you to the references section of this post for getting deeper into the meaning of each.

At the end your code will look something like the following:

package com.samples.sling;

import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import org.apache.sling.api.SlingHttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.sling.api.SlingHttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.sling.api.servlets.SlingSafeMethodsServlet;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * @scr.component immediate="true" metatype="false"
 * @scr.service interface="javax.servlet.Servlet"
 * @scr.property name="sling.servlet.methods" values.0="GET"
 * @scr.property name="sling.servlet.paths" values.0="/path/to/my/servlet"
 *                values.1="/apps/path/to/my/servlet"
public class AbsoluteUrlServlet extends SlingSafeMethodsServlet {
   private static final long serialVersionUID = -1920460619265757059L;
   private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbsoluteUrlServlet.class);

   protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
      response.getOutputStream().print("Hello AbsoluteUrlServlet World!");

Looking at the sling.servlet.paths annotation we se on which url we are actually mapping the servlet: /path/to/my/servlet and /apps/path/to/my/servlet.

Building the bundle and CRXDE+felix will do the magic of the deployment.

Now if you try to run localhost:4502/apps/path/to/my/servlet you’ll see our beautiful Helloworld, but if you’ll try to access localhost:4502/path/to/my/servlet you’ll get a 404 or a content listing.
This is due to a settings in felix+Sling. Open the felix console at the configuration tab (/system/console/configMgr) and search for Apache Sling Servlet/Script Resolver and Error Handler. Here you’ll have to add “/path/” to the Execution Paths section.

Done done!


Weekly links 2011-07

Hello JavaFX 2! – Back To Java

Making of JBoss Enterprise Web Server

Applying agile practices in an environment of mistrust

ETL lessons learnt

Generate Test Data with DataFactory

The Roadmap for Day Software and LiveCycle ES – a Focus on UX

Springfuse generates Primefaces with Spring Web Flow front end

Spring MVC Development – Quick Tutorial

Open Letter from CEO Stephen Elop, Nokia and CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft

No more nokia phones for me.

OpenJDK Community Bylaws — DRAFT 7

unique ID for the component in CQ5

By Erum Karim via flickr

If you have to deal with javascript, divs and component you could end in the problem that unique Id in a component page is not so unique. If you for example have an html/javascript like

<div id="myDiv"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("myDiv").innertHTML="Hello World!";</script>

will work fine if you include your component only once in your page. But if you include it more than that you’ll get some unpredictable behaviors, but for sure it wont work.

In order to solve the problem, you can for example use the currentNode in the jsp using his getIdentifier() method.

<div id="<%=currentNode.getIdentifier()%>"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("<%=currentNode.getIdentifier()%>").innertHTML="Hello World!";</script>

Done, done!

CQ5 backup your sources from CRX

El grito de la gaviota - Seagull scream

by Dani_vr via flickr

updated on Feb 15th, 2011

Yes, it happens. CRX has lost my sources from one day to another. As usual you realize that you need a backup when it’s too late. So the question became: how can I backup my sources outside the crx? Packages!

First you have to create a package of what you want to backup via the package manager provided with CRX. I wont go in details of this operation. Then you can call every package operation from a command line like bash and curl application. Fortunately Mac OS X and Linux come with cURL out of the box so nothing special is needed.

Just download the pdf containing the bash code, fix the variable according to your needs and schedule it or execute by hand.

The script is missing at all the error checking and some other things but works well for the moment; maybe in the future I’ll start a new SF project with the script source.

For more information here is a couple of links (same page)

CQ5 setting DEBUG log severity for a package

The felix web management configuration console provided with CQ5, the one generally accessible via http://localhost:4502/system/console allow you to specify different severity for different packages as you can do with log4j property file.

  1. Access the console
  2. Click on configuration
  3. In the Configurations combo box select Apache Sling Logging Configuration
  4. In the Factory Configurations having selected the Apache Sling Logging Logger Configuration click the Create button
  5. in the Logger textbox input the package you like. You can add/remove packages/classes with the +/- button on the right side.
  6. Trigger all other desired parameters
  7. Click Save.

weekly links 2010-49

Captain Crunch needs your help

When John Draper aka Captain Crunch is on form, great things happen. A legendary hacker, he created the infamous Blue Box. He went on to invent EasyWriter, the first ever word processor for the Apple II.

Getting Resources and Properties in Sling

The Five Competencies of User Experience Design

The ASF Resigns From the JCP Executive Committee